Deep Blues festareilta kahdelta eri keikalta. Kuvat otti Muttbucket. Huuliharpussa Hurricane Harold ja rummuissa Livia Dirty Trainload.
destroyed the woods and the mountains around their hometown by carving their guitars, drums and harmonicas from whole ironwood trees with their bare hands and by using John Henry's 12 pound hammer they beat down those mountains for brass, silver and iron to fashion the rest of the parts they needed.Then they stomped their thirst with a bottle of RL Burnside's Bloody mthrfckr and sat down in the full moonlight at that muddy crossroads ...Rick Saunders
Mahtavia kuvia!
VastaaPoistaJoo, tosi hienoja kuvia on kertynyt niin paljon että niistä saisi vaikka kuinka monta levynkantta tai keikkajulistetta :D